Arts and culture, Awesome Women Jayne Sharratt Arts and culture, Awesome Women Jayne Sharratt

Poet Jessica Mookherjee

“We are often taught poetry as if we must unlock its meaning, when in fact we should experience it, let it wash over us and whatever it means to us is its meaning. Once I have written a poem it belongs to the reader. A good poem gives the reader space to own the poem, so you can put something of yourself into the understanding of it and take something away.”

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Creatives, Arts and culture Jayne Sharratt Creatives, Arts and culture Jayne Sharratt

Interview with artist Ben Marchant

Ben Marchant’s paintings juxtapose elements of the expected with the unexpected to create something new. “In one painting I thought I would take an image like the Mona Lisa and combine it with another face,” he says. “Some of my inspiration also comes from what if? questions. What if the Titanic had arrived in New York? What if Diana hadn’t died?”

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