Jayne Sharratt
I’m proud to be the editor of two local magazines, Rusthall Life and Langton Life. I am passionate about celebrating people and communities, and I’m always on the lookout for stories with an eco, equal or creative energy. I have interviewed many wonderful people over the years and I have never ceased to be in awe of the sheer variety of life that goes on in a village community.
Village Stories began because I wanted an online portfolio for my writing, but I hope that it will grow to reflect the causes I’m passionate about - protecting the environment for future inhabitants of our planet, working towards a more equal world for everyone, and celebrating the creative, everyday joy that can be found in the collaborative efforts of the community!
Some things about me:
I don’t have a car and so I walk a lot and have plenty of opinions about how public transport and active travel could be made better.
I’m a passionate advocate for my local village school and the holistic benefits of sending your children to the nearest local school you can walk to.
I’m also a proofreader and copywriter, so if you have a website you need help with, or a novel you want editing, I’m a writer for hire! You can find out more by contacting me here.
I have a Masters degree in British History with a special interest in the changing lives of twentieth century women. I’ve been researching the life of Amabel Williams-Ellis, and you can read more about her here.
Village Stories is a project of my own but I would love to hear from you if you have any thoughts or would like to collaborate with me. You can contact me here.
Jayne Sharratt
Rusthall, Kent. June 2021.

The dream of an eco, equal, creative community”