6th-12th June 2022 - Rusthall keeps me busy

Good afternoon, welcome to my village diary for last week - a bit late this time! Not everything goes to plan, and I didn’t get chance to do this on Friday, but better late than never I hope!

I was looking forward to getting on with the July issue of Rusthall Life at the start of the week, but a sneaky inset day for my daughter delayed things a by a day. I enjoy the one-on-one time inset days bring now my children are at different schools, but I also have a nagging sense that I should be two people at once. Anyway, it felt like virtuous day - Felicity and I managed to do our couch to 5K run with the children over Happy Valley and then we went swimming in Tonbridge - even briefly braving the outdoor pool, which was bracing.

Pulling together the content for the next issue of the magazine makes me feel proud to live in such a busy and caring community. There’s never a shortage of things to write about in Rusthall - the challenge is always fitting it all in - and long may that last.

I was mainly at my desk this week, but there was time to get lunch and flowers from Charlie’s Angels Kitchen. Word is clearly spreading about how good her food made from surplus is because there was a long queue, but it was definitely worth it. I loved her potato, asparagus and cheese bake - so delicious - and I also got scones, jam and clotted cream.

Wildflowers in the 1887 the Pantiles carpark

I took a few bus rides this week, and keep seeing these amazing banks of wildflowers around the carpark of the 1887 pantiles development. On the bus I keep thinking how great it would be if the vehicles were electric and the fares cheaper. Studies show that when fares are lowered more people use the bus instead of taking their car so it makes sense. A safe cycle lane from Langton Green and Rusthall to town, St John’s and Southborough would also be welcome in my ideal world...

On the school run, it was pleasing to see a new garden emerging on the playground, thanks to the hard work of PTA chair Alison Fagan and caretaker Mark Patching. The garden is to mark the Platinum Jubilee, and also incorporates stones painted by the school children as part of a ‘there is only one you’ themed art project. Butterfly stepping stones and lavender have been included too, as a memorial to school parent Lauren Welch, and will be there to enjoy for years to come.

Friday saw me volunteering for the first time at the Community Larder, which runs in the St Paul’s Church Centre on the High Street from 12.30 until 2pm. I’m normally a customer, so it was an honour to see the other side, and get a sense of how much produce is saved from being thrown away, and how fantastic this project is! I was on the tins table and it was satisfying to start with a table full and give most of it away. All respect to the volunteers who have turned up every week since the larder began over a year ago to do such a good thing for our community, and to the steering group who do so much organising behind the scenes.

Later on Friday my daughter and I went along to the Toad Rock area of Rusthall for a party to celebrate the Open Studio of Sophie M Cook and Jennie Watson. I love Sophie’s paintings and Jennie’s ceramics, and I know my daughter and I were both inspired and enriched by being surrounded by art and creative people. It was a beautiful summer’s evening, and nice to drift out into the garden and see children playing on the lawn too.

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the end of the week so realised I needed a simple weekend at home resetting, but it was nice to go out and see some of the Tunbridge Wells Yard Sale stalls in the village. Tempting art, a Weber BBQ and vintage coats at Karen Gardner’s and home baking and a giant bear at Felicity’s!

I’ve been reading Our House is On Fire by Greta Thunberg’s mother, Malena Ernman, her memoir of the family leading up to Greta’s school strike. It is unputdownable in short chapters, but also doesn’t pull its punches. If you want to know why we need to act now on the environment, do read it.

Finally, I’ve bought my tickets for the Rusthall Rocks event in aid of Ukraine on 9th July, which looks set to be a brilliant evening in the field behind Lower Green Caring Dentistry - get tickets here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it! I hope you all have a great week ahead of you.



13th-18th June: heatwave


30th May-5th June - the art of half term