Rusthall community directory
A useful list of contacts and links for all the organisations and services that make the community tick. Click here for a Langton Green directory.
Rusthall Parish Council - The Rackliff Centre, 26 Lower Green Road, Rusthall, Kent, TN4 8TE. 01892 520161
Tunbridge Wells Borough Councillor for Rusthall Alex Britcher-Allan -
Tunbridge Wells Borough Councillor for Rusthall Dave Funnell -
Rusthall Medical Centre - Nellington Road, Rusthall, TN4 8UW. 01892 515142
Out of hours medical non-emergency - 111.
Rusthall Dental Practice - 39 Meadow Road, Rusthall, TN4 8UN. 01892 536598
Lower Green Caring Dentistry - Lower Green Road, Rusthall, TN4 8TN,, 01892 616142
Rusthall allotments - Parish clerk,
St Paul’s Church - Parish Office, Rusthall St Paul’s Church Centre, Rusthall High Street. 01892 521447
Rusthall United Reformed Church - Manor Road, Rusthall. Church secretary, Mary Nolze, 01892 536737
Rusthall Library - High Street.
Arriva bus timetables - the 281 has regular services through the village to Tunbridge Wells and High Brooms. Their app isn’t as good as it used to be but is still fairly helpful, and there is a code and number to text on every bus stop to get a reply with the time of the next due bus which usually works well.
Friends of Tunbridge Wells and Rusthall Commons - Membership Secretary Chris Gurr, 01892 542408
Conservators of the Commons - Clerk Gemma Stapeley, Warden Steve Budden. 01892 554250
The Molyneux Almshouses - High Street, Rusthall, TN4 8SE., 07504 839548.
Rusthall Football Club - Jockey Farm Stadium, Nellington Road, Rusthall.
Rusthall Guides, Brownies and Rainbows - Daphne Pilcher 01892 521691
Rusthall Scouts, Cubs and Beavers -
Rusthall Community Arts -
Rusthall Community Play -
Rusthall Cinema Club -
Rusthall Life Magazine - delivered bi-monthly through every door in the village.
Tunbridge Wells Welcomes Refugees - an organisation supporting refugees.
Samaritans - 116 123
Emergency Services - 999